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Aulix Agreement Authoring (AAA) like BlitzDocs, Pathagoras, XpressDox, SmoothDocs

This is a document assembly tool to create complex juridical documents like in BlitzDocs, Pathagoras, XpressDox, SmoothDocs, but with a deeper hierachy of provisions.

It is provided under a yearly subscription license which you need to activate online.
A temporary promo action: the cost of the subscription starting in the year of 2013 is FREE!

System requirements (all free components generally already availalble on the Windows systems or downloadable from Microsoft website):

  • Any Microsoft Windows operation system where DotNet v2(or later) can work: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8x, etc.
  • DotNet v2

What you get from the software already now (current features, benefits, etc.):

  • Author your new agreement texts in a convenient GUI looking similar to MS Access. Each provision is stored in its own record. Unlimited number of multiple levels is allowed.
  • Reorder the items as you require, all reference numbers will be updated automatically
  • Generate agreement in PDF format with hyperlinks for all legal provision references among the text for convenient navigation in your complex contracts
  • Your agreement is stored in the MS Access MDB database file

Planned new features if demanded by users like you, just e-mail me if you are interested:

  • Multiuser work with a PostgreSQL, IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server backend installed at your location
  • Website SAS (Software As a Service) which allows to work with your colegues worldwide without setting up tunnels
  • PhoneGap interface to access SAS website conveniently from any mobile device
  • Versioning of your work, like a time machine with many levels of undo
  • Exportables ecnryptable templates of agreement protected with a password, a marketplace for templates
  • More detailed documentation

Document Converter, Document Editor, Agreement Contracts, Document Versioning

Document Assembly

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