This is an ActiveX source code to convert obsolete ASP website into VB6 source and then compile into P-code or binary:
(C) Copyright Repository:
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "Lib"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
'THE AULIX ASP2VB6 Convertor
'The AUTHOR of this file is Alexander Borisovich Prokopyev, Kurgan, Russia
'More info can be found at the AUTHOR's website:
'Contact: alexander.prokopyev at aulix dot com
'Copyright (c) Alexander Prokopyev, 2001
'All materials contained in this file are protected by copyright law.
'Nobody except the AUTHOR may alter or remove this copyright notice from copies of the content.
'This is a proprietary software
'The AUTHOR explicitly prohibits to use this content by any method without a prior
'written hand-signed permission of the AUTHOR.
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Public SourceVirtDir As String, SourceVBDir As String, TargetDir As String
Public VBClassHeaderFN As String, VBProjectFN As String, ASPFileTemplateFN As String, ASPCommonHeaderFN As String
Public VBProjectName As String
Private FunctionList As Variant, FunctionListRE As Variant, FunctionListLength As Long
Private FSO As New Scripting.FileSystemObject, Lib As Object, ShouldUpdateFunctionNames As Boolean
Function CreateRegExp(ByVal Pattern As String) As VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Set CreateRegExp = New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
With CreateRegExp
.Pattern = Pattern
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = True
End With
End Function
Function HTMLFragment2VBCode(ByVal HTMLFragment As String) As String
HTMLFragment = CreateRegExp("<!--(.|\n)*?-->").Replace(HTMLFragment, "") ' Remove comments and includes
HTMLFragment = CreateRegExp("^\r\n$").Replace(HTMLFragment, "") ' Remove blank lines
If HTMLFragment <> "" Then
If Right(HTMLFragment, 2) = vbNewLine Then 'Remove new line at the end of HTML fragment
HTMLFragment = Left(HTMLFragment, Len(HTMLFragment) - 2)
End If
HTMLFragment = Replace(HTMLFragment, """", """""") 'Make double quotes for VB strings
HTMLFragment = Replace(HTMLFragment, vbNewLine, """ & vbNewLine " & vbNewLine & "RW """) 'Format new lines
HTMLFragment2VBCode = "RW """ & HTMLFragment & """"
End If
End Function
'Splits S into parts interchanging matching values with rests of S string
Function Split2(ByVal S As String, ByVal DelimiterPattern As String) As Variant
Dim MC As VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection: Set MC = CreateRegExp(DelimiterPattern).Execute(S)
Dim M As VBScript_RegExp_55.Match
ReDim A(0 To MC.Count * 2) As String
Dim I As Long: I = 0
Dim J As Long: J = 1
For Each M In MC
A(I) = Mid(S, J, M.FirstIndex + 1 - J)
I = I + 1
A(I) = M.Value
I = I + 1
J = M.FirstIndex + 1 + M.Length ' The start of the next fragment
A(I) = Mid(S, J)
Split2 = A
End Function
Function ASPFragment2VBCode(ByVal S As String) As String
Dim A As Variant: A = Split2(S, "<%(.|\n)*?%>") 'Split into html and <% script %> parts
Dim I As Long, ScriptFragment As String
For I = 0 To UBound(A)
If I Mod 2 = 0 Then 'Create VB code for HTML fragment
ScriptFragment = HTMLFragment2VBCode(A(I))
Else 'Create VB code for ASP fragment
ScriptFragment = Replace(Replace(A(I), "<%", ""), "%>", "")
If Left(ScriptFragment, 1) = "=" Then ' If it's a <%=xxx%> fragment
ScriptFragment = "RW " & Mid(ScriptFragment, 2)
ElseIf Left(ScriptFragment, 2) <> vbNewLine Then
ScriptFragment = vbNewLine & ScriptFragment
End If
End If
If ScriptFragment <> "" Then
ASPFragment2VBCode = ASPFragment2VBCode & ScriptFragment & vbNewLine
End If
End Function
'Splits S into 2 parts according Pattern, returns them as an array
'First element of the array contains matching parts separated with vbNewLine
'Second part of the array contains the rest of the S
Function ExtractMatchingLines(ByVal Pattern As String, ByVal S As String) As Variant
Dim A(1) As String, M As VBScript_RegExp_55.Match
Dim MC As VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection: Set MC = CreateRegExp(Pattern).Execute(S)
A(0) = ""
For Each M In MC
A(0) = A(0) & vbNewLine & M.Value
A(1) = CreateRegExp(Pattern).Replace(S, "")
ExtractMatchingLines = A
End Function
Function ImproveVBCode(ByVal S As String, ByVal ClassName As String) As String
Const VBStringPattern = """(([^""])|(""""))*"""
Dim I As Long, J As Long, K As Long
Dim SUFN As Boolean: SUFN = ShouldUpdateFunctionNames And ClassName <> "Common"
Dim A2 As Variant, A1 As Variant: A1 = Split(S, vbNewLine) ' Divide by lines
For I = 0 To UBound(A1)
A2 = Split2(A1(I), VBStringPattern) 'Split line by VB strings
A1(I) = ""
K = 0 ' Position of the comment start
For J = 0 To UBound(A2) ' Go through lines
If J Mod 2 = 0 Then ' Go through code without VB strings
If A2(J) <> "" Then
A2(J) = Replace(A2(J), "'#", "") 'Open VB Only code fragments
A2(J) = Replace(A2(J), ":", vbNewLine) 'Replace ":" with vbNewLine
If SUFN Then
A2(J) = UpdateFunctionNames(A2(J))
End If
End If
K = InStr(1, A2(J), "'") ' Find comment
If K > 0 Then 'Remove code after comment
A1(I) = A1(I) & Mid(A2(J), 1, K - 1)
Exit For
Else 'Use all code
A1(I) = A1(I) & A2(J)
If J + 1 < UBound(A2) Then
A1(I) = A1(I) & A2(J + 1)
End If
End If
End If
ImproveVBCode = Join(A1, vbNewLine)
End Function
Function ASPFile2VBClasses(ByVal ASPFileName As String) As Variant
'Read ASP file and convert it to raw VB code
Dim VBCode As String: VBCode = ASPFragment2VBCode(FSO.OpenTextFile(ASPFileName, ForReading).ReadAll())
VBCode = Replace(VBCode, "Option Explicit" & vbNewLine, "") 'Remove Option Explicit
Const ClassPattern = "(^'.*\n)*^class \w+(.|\n)*?^end class" ' Pattern for internal classes
'Find classes
Dim MC As VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection: Set MC = CreateRegExp(ClassPattern).Execute(VBCode)
Dim M As VBScript_RegExp_55.Match, ScriptFragment As String, VBClasses() As String, I As Long: I = 1
ReDim VBClasses(MC.Count, 1) As String
'Class wrapper for ASP file
VBClasses(0, 0) = Lib.GetPureFileName(ASPFileName)
VBClasses(0, 1) = ImproveVBCode(CreateRegExp(ClassPattern).Replace(VBCode, ""), VBClasses(0, 0))
'Go through internal classes
For Each M In MC ' Place classes into separated modules
ScriptFragment = M.Value
VBClasses(I, 0) = CreateRegExp("^class (\w+)").Execute(ScriptFragment)(0).SubMatches(0)
ScriptFragment = CreateRegExp("^class \w+").Replace(ScriptFragment, "")
ScriptFragment = CreateRegExp("^end class").Replace(ScriptFragment, "")
VBClasses(I, 1) = ImproveVBCode(ScriptFragment, VBClasses(I, 0))
I = I + 1
'Move code located not in subs or functions to Execute() function
Dim InFunctionCode As Variant: InFunctionCode = ExtractMatchingLines("(^'.*\n)*((^function \w+(.|\n)*?^end function)|(^sub \w+(.|\n)*?^end sub))", VBClasses(0, 1))
'Move dim declares outside of Execute() function
Dim DimPart As Variant: DimPart = ExtractMatchingLines("(dim .+?[\x3A\n])|(const .+?\n)", InFunctionCode(1))
DimPart(1) = CreateRegExp("^\s*$\r\n").Replace(DimPart(1), "") 'Remove blank lines from Execute() function
Dim S As String
If Lib.GetPureFileName(ASPFileName) = "Common" Then
S = FSO.OpenTextFile(SourceVBDir & "\" & ASPCommonHeaderFN).ReadAll()
S = "Dim CLib As New Common" & vbNewLine & "Public Function Execute()" & vbNewLine & " CLib.Execute"
End If
VBClasses(0, 1) = DimPart(0) & vbNewLine & S & vbNewLine & DimPart(1) & vbNewLine & "End Function" & InFunctionCode(0)
ASPFile2VBClasses = VBClasses
End Function
Function ConvertASPVirtDir2VBDir()
'Copy other required files
With CreateObject("SysUtils.Lib")
'.Cmd "copy " & SourceVBDir & "\*.cls " & TargetDir
.cmd "xcopy /e /y " & SourceVirtDir & " " & TargetDir, False
.cmd "del " & TargetDir & "\*.asp", False
.cmd "del " & TargetDir & "\*.inc", False
End With
Dim VBClassHeader As String: VBClassHeader = FSO.OpenTextFile(SourceVBDir & "\" & VBClassHeaderFN, ForReading).ReadAll()
Dim ASPFileTemplate As String: ASPFileTemplate = FSO.OpenTextFile(SourceVBDir & "\" & ASPFileTemplateFN, ForReading).ReadAll()
Dim Fld As Scripting.Folder: Set Fld = FSO.GetFolder(SourceVirtDir)
Dim F As Scripting.File, TS As Scripting.TextStream, S As String
Dim ClassName As String, ClassList As String, ClassInfo As Variant, I As Long, J As Long
'Prepare the list of names of functions and subs
ShouldUpdateFunctionNames = False
FunctionList = CreateFunctionList(ASPFile2VBClasses(SourceVirtDir & "\" & "Common.asp")(0, 1))
ShouldUpdateFunctionNames = True
Dim L As Long: L = UBound(FunctionList)
ReDim Preserve FunctionList(L + 8)
FunctionList(L + 1) = "Con"
FunctionList(L + 2) = "Lib"
FunctionList(L + 3) = "Server"
FunctionList(L + 4) = "Application"
FunctionList(L + 5) = "Session"
FunctionList(L + 6) = "Request"
FunctionList(L + 7) = "Response"
FunctionList(L + 8) = "KLib"
For Each F In Fld.Files ' Go through all the ASP files in the virtual directory
If Lib.GetFileExt(F.Name) = "asp" And F.Name <> "ProjectSpecific.asp" Then
ClassInfo = ASPFile2VBClasses(F.Path) ' Split raw VB code by classes
For I = 0 To UBound(ClassInfo) ' Create *.cls files
'If I = 0 And F.Path = ASPCommonFilePath Then ' Remove "CLib." prefixes from Common.cls file
'ClassInfo(I, 1) = CreateRegExp("(^|[^\w\.])CLib\.").Replace(ClassInfo(I, 1), "$1")
'End If
If I = 0 Then 'File number
J = J + 1 'Class number
If ClassInfo(I, 0) = "Common" Then
ClassName = ClassInfo(I, 0)
ClassName = "Class" & Lib.PadL(J, "0", 3)
End If
'Create wrapper page
Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(TargetDir & "\" & ClassInfo(0, 0) & ".asp", ForWriting, True)
S = Replace(ASPFileTemplate, "VBProjectName", VBProjectName)
TS.Write Replace(S, "ClassName", ClassName)
ClassName = ClassInfo(I, 0)
End If
ClassList = ClassList & "Class=" & ClassName & "; " & ClassInfo(I, 0) & ".cls" & vbNewLine
Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(TargetDir & "\" & ClassInfo(I, 0) & ".cls", ForWriting, True)
TS.Write Replace(VBClassHeader, "_VB_Name_", ClassName) & ClassInfo(I, 1)
End If
ClassList = ClassList & "Class=Lib; Lib.cls" & vbNewLine & "Class=GlobalASA; GlobalASA.cls" & vbNewLine
'Create VB Project files
S = FSO.OpenTextFile(TargetDir & "\" & VBProjectFN, ForReading).ReadAll()
'S = Lib.CreateRegExp("Type=OleDll\r\n(Class=.+\n)+").Replace(S, "Type=OleDll" & vbNewLine & ClassList)
S = Lib.CreateRegExp("(Class=.+\n)+").Replace(S, ClassList)
FSO.OpenTextFile(TargetDir & "\" & VBProjectFN, ForWriting, True).Write S
With CreateObject("SysUtils.Lib")
.cmd "screnc /e asp /l vbscript " & TargetDir & "\*.asp " & TargetDir & "\Encoded", False
.cmd "screnc /xl /e asp /l vbscript " & TargetDir & "\*.asa " & TargetDir & "\Encoded", False
End With
End Function
Function CreateFunctionList(ByVal S As String) As Variant
Dim MC As VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection: Set MC = CreateRegExp("(^\s*?function\s*?(\w+?)\s*?\()|(^\s*?sub\s*?(\w+?)\s*?\()").Execute(S)
Dim M As VBScript_RegExp_55.Match, I As Long: I = 0
ReDim A(0 To MC.Count - 1)
For Each M In MC
If IsEmpty(M.SubMatches(1)) Then
A(I) = M.SubMatches(3)
A(I) = M.SubMatches(1)
End If
'Debug.Print A(I)
I = I + 1
CreateFunctionList = A
End Function
Sub CreateFunctionListRE()
Dim I As Long
FunctionListLength = UBound(FunctionList)
ReDim FunctionListRE(0 To FunctionListLength) As VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
For I = 0 To FunctionListLength
Set FunctionListRE(I) = CreateRegExp("(^|[^\w\.])" & FunctionList(I) & "(\b|$)")
End Sub
Function UpdateFunctionNames(ByVal S As String) As String
Dim I As Long, L As Long: L = UBound(FunctionList)
For I = 0 To L
S = FunctionListRE(I).Replace(S, "$1CLib." & FunctionList(I))
UpdateFunctionNames = S
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Lib = CreateObject("Common1.Lib")
End Sub