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Reinstall iRedMail completely - bash script; iredmail, iredmail настройка, iredmail установка, установка iredmail, iredmail debian установка, iredmail установка debian, удаление iredmail, iredmail как удалить, iredmail удалить

This is a custom script for fully automatic REinstallation of iRedMail

Please note: it can be used only on a new blank linux install or a chroot just to cleanout all directories where iRedMail installed anything before, for a more picky cleanout it shall be refined and improved.

It is (C) Copyright Alexander B. Prokopyev, Kurgan, 2014

It is licensed to you under AGPL:

        psql -c "drop role $Name" -U postgres;

        psql -c "drop database $Name" -U postgres;
/etc/init.d/postgresql restart;

sleep 3s;

drop_database amavisd;
drop_database cluebringer;
drop_database iredadmin;
drop_database roundcubemail;
drop_database vmail;

drop_psql_role vmail;
drop_psql_role vmailadmin;
#drop_psql_role postfix;
drop_psql_role cluebringer;
drop_psql_role amavisd;
drop_psql_role iredadmin;
drop_psql_role roundcube;

apt-get purge postfix\* apache\* php5\* postfix\* dovecot\* amavis\* clamav\* spamassassin\* awstats\* phppgadmin\* fail2ban logwatch;
/utils/pkg/apm.sh purge;
/utils/pkg/apm.sh purge_waste;

rm -Rf /etc/apache2;
rm -Rf /usr/share/apache2 /var/log/apache2 /var/www;
rm -Rf /etc/fail2ban /etc/phppgadmin /usr/share/phppgadmin;

rm -Rf /opt/iRedAPD-1.4.*;
rm -Rf /opt/iredapd;

apt-get install apache2 clamav-freshclam;

cd /download/;
rm -Rf iRedMail-0.8.7;
/utils/pkg/untar/bz.sh iRedMail-0.8.7.tar.bz2;
cd iRedMail-0.8.7;
sh iRedMail.sh;

iredmail, iredmail настройка, iredmail установка, установка iredmail, iredmail debian установка, iredmail установка debian

More info about customizing install

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